National Board Certified Health

and Wellness Coaching, NBC-HWC

I teach you how to take control of your health.



noun. \ ˈwel-nəs \

1 the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort


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Easy, convenient, and designed to fit around your needs

We offer a variety of services so you can make a positive change in whatever way suits you. You can better your health through Pam's one-on-one sessions, groups, and practicals.

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Great health is a choice anyone can make

Whatever your goal, we’re here to guide you. Holistic Health focuses on healing through bettering health habits by targeting eating, sleeping, and moving healthier. We’ll teach you rather than tell you how to create lifelong change.

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Pam is living proof that Holistic Health works

Pam Byrne is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach. She was diagnosed with an acute autoimmune disease, which, after being on 20 different medications, she put into remission with Holistic Nutrition. Now, her vision is to help people feel better in their own skin. She believes healthy living begins with the right information, a lot of support, and a plan that fits into your lifestyle.

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Holistic Health is about creating a plan that compliments you

A Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach examines you as a unique individual to tackle *your* problems and get you to *your* goals. It’s not just a fad diet or carbon copy health plan. Your plan considers your needs to implement lasting change throughout your lifetime.
